Trend Watch

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Conspiracy to commit fraud is ILLEGAL.

Or at least it ought to be. If you knowingly make a robocall, Laura Ingraham, that tells a flat out lie, then you and the McCain campaign which approved it are frauds.
If you cannot win this election on your merits or by pointing out actual flaws with your opponent, then you ought not to be in the race to begin with. The Republicans have been perpetrating myths and lies for months now. According to the RNC, John McCain and his surrogate and supporters, here is the truth about Barack Obama.

He is a Muslim who attended an anti-American Christian church for twenty years because he was having a homosexual affair with the minister. He has a "mystery" lover who supplies him coke and when that dude runs low, Obama cruises the street in search of studs like Larry Sinclair to snort with. Obama wants to kill your babies and quite possibly eat them since he is a native born Kenyan and probably a cannibal. He is a socialist who wants to kill small businesses by taxing them to death with a 3% increase in their tax rate. He wants to fine you millions if you don't have health care for your children. What's up with that? He wants to kill them anyway. Of course, we all ignore this because he has some kind of hypnotic power to make you vote for him (courtesy of Lynn Samuels' radio show) through "beer can" gestures. ?
Oh we could go on and on couldn't we but according to Sarah Palin I may be violating the First Amendment.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

This is a must read. Can we as a nation tolerate 4 more years of this?
Please read this.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Over the rainbow

The other day one young woman, Ashley Todd, managed to encapsulate two of society's problems in one ugly act. First, she exposed overt and inate racism by her actions. There were those who gleefully wanted to exploit it as a weakness in Barack Obama's campaign and those who acclaimed it as proof of some flawed character in African-Americans. The shameless hawking of the story by the McCain campaign to the news media speaks for itself. To me it is a loud cracking slap to the face of those who would exploit race and a glaringly bright spotlight on naked racism. We need to stop this nonsense and we need to stop it now. If you care about human decency and equality for all I urge you to visit the Anti-Defamation League to learn more and learn how to fight it and end it.
Ashley's actions, ginned up by unscrupulous politicians, demonstrates the clear lack of available and affordable mental health care, where someone like Ashley would be able to seek out help and learn how to channel her passions and her hatred into non-destructive behavior. It should be universal, easy to find and comfortably accessible. Like racism, all the negative myths and connotations must be eliminated. To learn more about mental health, I refer you to the National Mental Health Association.
These are among issues we as a society have let fester and boil over long enough. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, "What was my initial reaction to the original story?", and answer yourself honestly. I can honestly say I did not buy into it for one minute longer than it took to read it. What about you? Did it give you hope that it might impact the Obama campaign in a negative way? If so, check out the ADL and NMHA and educate yourself and step up to a higher ground.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Ready, Aim...

Barack Obama is the nominee of the Democratic Party for President of the United States. The way he became "that one" is by now a familiar story to most of us, debated and argued all over the Internet and the media. It is a tale of collusion, conniving and ultimate disenfranchisement of voters. We all agree we have some hard work to do to ensure this doesn't happen again.
Some of us want to punish or "teach a lesson" to those responsible by defeating Senator Obama in the general election. I have two problems with that approach. One is you end up punishing the general population as well by handing the keys to the hen house back to the fox who decimated it for eight very long, very unpleasant years. Our fellow citizens need help, not revenge. My other problem is rewarding the Republican Party who have yet to be punished or taught a lesson for stealing the last two general elections through disefranchisement and other more devious, illegal methods. I mean, what is the entire point of a Presidential election anyhow? Someone?
I think we need to work within the system; the exact same way those who engineered the appointment of Barack Obama as the candidate. They put people in place and worked behind the scenes to get it done. They modeled how to do it and they did an excellent job, from their perspective. Some of us sat back complacently, let it happen and didn't even notice until it was beyond our control. Some, like the Denver Group, tried valiantly to sound the alarm, but, sadly, it turned out to be too little, too late. They couldn't do it alone.
There are millions of us, unsatisfied, pissed off,if you will. I believe negative energy only creates more negativity. If we all come together with a common postive purpose to work, and I mean work, for change within our Party, we can achieve the positive outcome we desire.
Otherwise, we are forming that famous Democratic circular firing squad and once more throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Shout out to Senator McCain..

Senator McCain deserves credit for finally stepping up and attempting to end the irrational and ignorant discourse spewing forth from a few of his supporters before some crazed zealot took his previous silence as assent to perpetrate violence. Now if we could only get Governor Palin to stop deliberately ginning up emotions and anger by her misleading speeches, we could actually believe John McCain meant what he said.
How what she says matters

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cindy McCain, STFU

This will be brief. Cindy McCain's exploitation of her son, the soldier, to take a snipe at Barack Obama was low rent. Who among the others who voted with Senator Obama also "chilled" her? Did she get "chilled" when her husband voted against funding? This faux self-righteousness on this subject is nasty and uncalled for.
She loves that son so much that she wants to keep him engaged in a war with an open ended timeline or does the idea of him coming home within a given period truly cause her so much angst? Keep the mock outrage under wraps, Mrs. McCain. This is hard to swallow from someone who committed adultery with a married man whose wife was an invalid. You want to claim the moral high ground; make sure you are standing on it first.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Not choosing the lesser of two evils....

I am gratified to have so many nice people concerned about my vote. The addendum at the end of my last post stated people had a month to change my mind and I invited debate. In the interest of sparing feelings and cooling down the rhetoric, let me restate my decision.
I look upon my vote as a defensive manuever. We are engaged in a monumental conflict in this country at the moment. Few battles are won by dismantling one's army during the fight. Handing victory to the other side is not an option, especially when that side started the war, chose the weapons and picked the battlefield. If we succeed in securing the battleground, we can then focus on fixing the personnel problems within our own ranks. One firm step at a time; one problem at a time. My vote for Obama is a footprint and not a step.

The fox is in the henhouse now; save the chickens.