Trend Watch

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It wasn't your fault, Governor Palin..

The day after the election, Sarah Palin made a comment about how she would regret it if she cost John McCain one single vote. Let's put her mind at ease. It's not her fault; it's John McCain's own fault for the blatant display of poor judgement in selecting you, Governor Palin. And indeed it did cost him votes. I can name names. Oh, yes I can.
Going forward, I have a wee bit of advice for Sarah. If you are indeed a "maverick", let other people say it; it's more seemly. If you have to tell your audience "it's not mean or negative to talk about, blah, blah, blah", then it probably is mean and negative.
Have a safe trip back to Alaska and don't dwell on the loss too long. Hey, look at all the swag you got! Enjoy it and then think about how that spending spree impacted the election as well. What I really don't get, Sarah; may I call you Sarah, is why you accepted the candidacy to begin with. Did you honestly think you were qualified to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency? It suggests to me your ego is larger than your common sense.


Anonymous said...

Presumably she also has a nice wardrobe to take back with her as well. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Mwwahaahahahaha I had to look up swag in Urban Dictionary because I was like, Um, is that what dj was referring to--the clothes? lol I get it now!...

democraticjack said...

You got it! Bad news for her is that the RNC is sending a lawyer to recoup the clothes and give them to charity. Now, even I have to say that ain't right. But then again the other side of my brain says she abused the generosity of her donors. Still, two wrongs don't make a right.

Anonymous said...

I think she should get to keep them as a parting gift.

Sunday night -- time for some blues and booze. lol

Anonymous said...

I hear she "lost" them. Uh, huh.
If you have HBO and it's Sunday, it's time for some True Blood.

How're things over at Blue's, tinglio? Camille still kicking ass and taking names and acting like a junk-yard dog protecting her site? Woof!

democraticjack said...

I also heard that the good Governor misplaced some of the booty. Who can blame her?
I love True Blood. I TIVO it.

Camille? What's a camille? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Who is this anonymous? Ooh I'm so curious lol


democraticjack said...

That's a good question. I could venture a guess, but I wouldn't want to stir anything up. I understand "those people" can dish it out but they can't handle it. You know, pretend you are open to discourse,and attack when you get a contrary opinion. Yikes, who needs that? LOL.