There is a whole lot of rhetoric being spun around the notion that Hillary supporters are somehow not "true" Democrats if they choose not to vote for Barack Obama in the general election. The failure to understand that choice is, in actuality, the correct one for "true" Democrats is an indication that the Obama pushers are more interested in party unity than in Democratic principles.
Those principles were buried on May 31, 2008 by a group of elitist party "elders" who took it upon themselves to anoint a favored candidate as presumptive nominee of the party. We all know what went on then and I honestly don't have the stomach to regurgitate it. The arrogance, the diminution of voter input, the abandonment of democracy by the "Democratic" party were the rotten cherry on the top of a sour-milk sundae the DNC in concert with the MSM had been attempting to feed us for months. Like 9/11/2001 and 12/7/41 it is another date which will live on in infamy.
The party of the common people rejected those people in favor of a candidate who belittled the common voter as bitter, racist and spiritually needy. The party which protects and defended our civil rights has selected a man who now believes government spying on it's citizens without oversight is a good thing. The party which gave us Social Security and could bring about universal affordable health care has chosen not to discuss those issues any longer as the fish have already taken the bait. The party which allows us freedom of privacy and choice brings us the new improved Obama who would define those concepts according to whichever audience he is speaking to at the moment. That party is not the Democratic party I once knew and I now denounce and reject this new "fresh" stammering, stuttering version of something I was once so proud of.
So, for all those who care about party unity and think demeaning millions of people is the best solution to that problem; quit wasting your time. I am broken-nosed and battered and I will be as bitter I want to be and the "true" Democratic party would have had a place for me.
Hillary Clinton's Recipe For Nothing Burgers.
Ever since Hillary Clinton claimed at a Codec conference in California that
the investigation into her email server and mishandling of classified
7 years ago
Remember, Bitter is the new Brave!
the abandonment of democracy by the "Democratic" party were the rotten cherry on the top of a sour-milk sundae
The irony of this is that I was having a sundae like an hour ago. I do so hope nothing was spoiled.
Excellent post on what the hell went wrong--who went wrong I should say.
Bitter as we want to be! I like it.
Jack, you summed it up beautifully when you said the old Democratic Party would've had a place for you. That's what made me a Dem so long ago -- the ideal of a party that represented the people, the citizens, the base of our country. Now I honestly don't know who or what it stands for. I just know it turned its back on all I believe in.
"Obama pushers are more interested in party unity than in Democratic principles."
Perfect. I've been looking for a succinct response when I see posts about "how could you?!
Thanks Democraticjack!
so, if I make 45 more comments, do i win the T ? :)
nice blog, jack. i used to follow your commentary at huffpo (in fact - and don't be scared now - i "favorited" your (and select others') profile there so i could catch up on your comments with ease).
HRC will be POTUS.
Ahhh, Jack! You've hit the nail on the head.
"The party which allows us the freedom of privacy and choice brings us the new improved Obama..."
Bitter is the new brave. PUMA!
Amen, Jack! This "New Democratic Party" has no place for me. Donna said so: "Message to base: stay home!" But no, Donna, we won't stay home - we're going to sweep your sorry a$$ home, and take back the Party!
To insure the passage of the 14th Amendment, women were asked to step aside. We had to wait until 1920 to get those rights. This time we are not falling in line. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
well said. BTW is Kayla your daughter? she's adorable!
"To insure the passage of the 14th Amendment, women were asked to step aside. We had to wait until 1920 to get those rights. This time we are not falling in line. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."
We're singing the same song sister!! And it's not that we just want to be able to ride in the front of the bus for a change, we are going to DRIVE that baby from now on!
50th? What is this 50th business? :)
Well said Democratic Jack. I want NO part of this "new" democratic party. Stinky can stick it, along with Pelosi, Dean, Kerry, Richardson, etc...
Hi Jack!! Just popping in!!! Nothing much new since I was last la la.
Jack, you are absolutely right, this is Lakes by the way, but -- what happened in December of 41?
Why ainnj, I didn't expect to see YOU here. What a surprise! It's is terrific how involved you are in this whole process. So, how do you think the election is going so far?
There is no Great Lake in Oregon said...
Why ainnj, I didn't expect to see YOU here. What a surprise! It's is terrific how involved you are in this whole process. So, how do you think the election is going so far?
Election? Oh, oh yeah....what election?
Oh forget it, the jig is up!!
We have been duped! bamboozled!@
ainnj said...
yeah you fixed the comments, Hah I will be 50, :)
Methinks I will post those things I do not like about Obama, like his arrogant attitude to women.
Woops I forgot -- also his tendency to take opportunistic political positions without any principle
can I play? I do not like how he stands with his nose in the air
ps ccn has on good show right now
oh DOH I also forgot but wanted to mention that he is not very experienced and spent all his time in the US Senate writing books and running for President
Gosh, it's so funny, there's also the fact that his wife is not very kind
It's like they're all rushing into my head! I just keep remembering stuff! Like his flip flop on FISA, Iran, public financing!
Also he has bad judgment when it comes to associates like Ayers and Rezko
I didn't like it when he called that reporter sweetie
Or when he called Diane Feinstein cutie
Or when he called a female worker sweetie as well!
His campaign also offended me by circulating that ridiculous KO tape about assassination
I was also not pleased when he FORGOT to ask his people to pay off Hillary's debt and had to be reminded by staff members
I would like him to be more attentive to women's issues like abortion
I am sad he threw Alice Palmer under the bus
I did not appreciate his bitter clingy remarks; they were uncalled for
He has no economic experience and we are in an economic crisis
OK this is it?
Holy crap sorry but I just got into this trancelike stake and it got the best of me!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously I need some sort of mental evaluation..
I didn't like when he wouldn't take the picture with the guy in the south philly italian market, because what if the guy sold it on EBAY, God forbid someone make a buck off obama and who would buy the stupid picture?
I will be nice and come back tomorrow, good luck
it says 38, you are almost there
Lyn, I found out the powerball is 34!
And then I went insane!
No, lyn, jack changed the rules! He made it to be the powerball tonight!!
so I wasted my time getting it closer for you ? lol
The ignorance of the dem party is astounding. BO has never been the popular candidate in this race, not even before Wright and bittergate. He's always been a 35% candidate who knew how to bully and intimidate caucus victories.
I often think of HRC talking to a reporter saying, "If people would just look at who is the strongest candidate to beat John McCain I think they'd see our victories and our coalition of supporters are the strongest to take into the GE."
All HRC wants is for Dems to win in Nov. That she's the only one that cares about this is what is astounding to me.
good grief - have we still not made it to the magic number yet???
Obama is pretty much offensive every time he opens his mouth....but that's ok, cuz I find it kind of cozy here under the bus!
Obama is pretty much offensive every time he opens his mouth....but that's ok, cuz I find it kind of cozy here under the bus!
with all my bitter friends!!
Where are all my bitter friends?
Oohh! I'm stuttering! Sorry, Jack!
Go Denver Group! Great article in CQ today.
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