Trend Watch

Friday, September 26, 2008

My vote for President.

Love me, love my dog or in this case, my vote.
If you have been following the comments on this site, you might have noticed the debate I had with an old friend regarding my decision at that time to write in Hillary Clinton's name. He tried very hard but couldn't make me budge.
I started thinking about what he could have said to make me choose one of the two mainstream candidates. What I came up with was, if you held a gun to the head of a loved one and told me to pick a candidate or else, then I most definitely would choose one.
That is when it hit me. The Republicans have been holding that gun to our heads for eight years; four more years of the party which gave us FISA, the Patriot Act, the Iraq war, $4.00 gasoline, the Military Commissions Act and the overall destabilization of the Constitution might well lead to irreparable damage, and since I would hardly consider voting for a Republican even without those conditions before this year, now is not the time to change. Obama is a seriously flawed candidate with many unanswered questions and seems to possess a cavalier attitude about civil liberties as well. But there remains a wealth of good Democrats in Congress, including Obama surrogates, who will insure a Democratic president will not stray too far from the path which led them there. I am aware of the risks. The other choice is not a risk; it is a proven disaster.
Therefore, I, will willingly step into that booth and grudgingly cast a dimpled chad for Barack Obama; go outside, scream and then go home and drink.
After that I will work very hard to unseat the current weak-kneed leadership in the party.
All comers have a month to change my mind. Forget about McCain/Palin. That ain't going to happen.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Jack, I believe the choice has been made already for all of us. As Yogi Berra would say it's deja vu all over again. Sure doesn't look like McCain has a snowball's chance in hell now, the economy is and will be the one and only issue from now until the election. obama of course doesn't have a clue or a plan that he can call his own, but after 8 years of a rep. POTUS, the citizens of the U.S. will hope any change has to better. so I guess his hopey changey crap really worked out well for him. Too bad for mr. obama the economy will get worse before it gets better. He won't be relected in 2012 and I am afraid with the useless democratic congress, once again the citizens of the U.S. will hope that a change of party will work. There goes Hillary Clinton's' shot as well.

Anonymous said...

I disagree, ainnj. I think that provided that John McCain continues to do well in his debates, and Sarah Palin manages to hold her own, all of the scare tactics that the Democrats and the MSM have been using to gain support will no longer be effective.

I watched the debate last night, and I truly believe that John McCain outperformed Obama. I was pleased to see it. It's obvious to me that John McCain, although not the most eloquent speaker, can debate anyone, including a smooth talker like Obama.

I understand that many Democrats will never be able to support a Republican presidential candidate, but my qualms about voting for McCain lessen by the day. I will do whatever is necessary to prevent an Obama presidency. I am counting on my vote for making the difference.

Anonymous said...

After viewing Palin's performances with Couric and Gibson, I hold out no hope that she will be able to "hold her own", far from it.
Most of the polls I have seen taken since the debates put Obama way ahead in performance.
If the election were held tomorrow there is no doubt who would win at this point.

NJB said...


I have really missed you! Please e-mail me at

This whole election stinks. I am getting to the point where I do not care who wins anymore! I am exhausted from it all.

Hi Jack! Miss you too!

Anonymous said...

Hi danielle,

I am already at that point. I truly don't care anymore. I am so embarrassed by our political system. Seeing pelosi's face on television makes me want to barf and no matter who wins in november we are so screwed,our economy is just going to get worse for quite some time before it gets better. I have a feeling that no matter what info the msm tries to force feed us, there is going to be relatively low voter turnout this year, too many people trying to keep their lives together to give two sh@ts about the figurehead in the oval office.

I am sure after thursday's "debate" there will be little doubt in anyone's mind who will be the next potus. The cardboard cut-out in front of the left wing loonies, rev. wright, tony rezko and bill daly.....No sense in even pretending Hillary Clinton has a shot in 2012.

democraticjack said...

Golly, my teaser got more comments than some of my posts. Hmmm.
NJBitch, where have you been? It's good to see you posting here as well, ainnj. I loves me some Jersey girls.
Thom Hartmann went back and looked at Palin's debates for governor and said she did quite well. Somehow, I think he is trying to raise her bar back up a little bit.
You know what is even funnier about Tina Fey's impersonation of Palin? Tina knows what she is saying.
As for the McCain/Obama debate it was like grumpy bully vs. wimpy geek. What a sad state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am an official squatter here now! Lost my lease in my former accomadations! :)

My vote for complete and total moron of the week goes to nancy "snarkface" pelosi....what a maroon!

wonder when she found out jesse jackson, jr. voted against the bailout too? glad to see mr. obama has such influence over his fellow chicagoans....

Love the picture of nancy, reid and dubya holding hands and singing kumbaya while rome burns....what's that coca-cola song again?

NJB said...

Hi Jack!

I know who you are voting for---AINNJ!!!! God knows she would do a better job than those two idiots!!!

Anonymous said...

Although I am not so crazy about the idea of living in D.C, if I get to fire pelosi on my first day in office I may consider it! Where will I build my compound for my presidential retreats, Wildwood or Disney World?

democraticjack said...

Where do I get my "Bite Me '08" bumper sticker?

So you got the boot too, ainnj? What did you do? Tell the truth?
There wasn't a lot of that floating around there last time I looked.

You are totally welcome here. Oh. Your vacation retreat definitely must be Disneyworld. Where else you gonna find Goofy once he leaves the White House next January?

Anonymous said...

It was sort of a mutual decision I suppose.

I love the "BITE ME '08" bummper sticker idea! Lawn signs, t-shirts, sweat pants ( and you know where the "bite me" logo will be placed on those)!

I will call my white house retreat the Camp Disney Compound. I will meet with all the world's leaders in Epcot in their respective country's attraction unconditionally and if they don't have an attraction in Epcot, I won't meet with them unconditionally (hopefully epcot doesn't have a north korean or iranian pavillion yet)!!
I will hold historic summits in Mickey and Minnie's Toontown! Or does that seem to much like business as usual?

democraticjack said...

It's a small world, after all.

NJB said...

Hi Guys!

AINNJ, you are not the only one with a trademarked slogan now. Check mine out!!!!!

If you have an itch talk to njbitch!®™

And I also vote for Disney! Where do I get my Bite Me! signs? I really need some!!!

Average Jane said...

well, I guess at least you will find out who your friends really are now won't you? LOL I won't try to convince you a write in or leaving the top of the ticket is best. I am just glad you are voting at all. I cannot say what is best for anyone but myself. We must each follow our own heart and conscience. I know for me I could never vote for the Republican platform, ever and I have to be able to vote for the platform at minimum. Holding my nose for the person, eh, kinda got used to that one over the years. Bill Clinton has been the ONLY candidate for POTUS in the GE I have ever been HAPPY to vote for. Besides, until this year voting for a Dem has been an exercise in futility in our state anyway so no need to get all jazzed out over it was the way I looked at

Hi everyone who comments/lurks here!! :)

NJB said...

Hi AJ!

Hope you are well.


I will and would not ever try to ridicule you for your hard to come by decision. I am not happy with my choices either. The only one I would happily vote for is Hillary. It just makes me incredibly sad to know that someone who I faught with so hard for Hillary and against BO is going to vote for him. Almost makes me cry. I can never forgive BO and am frightened to have him in charge of this impossibly screwed up country. My 2cents. Still love ya Jack!

democraticjack said...

Danielle, your 2 cents are always welcome. I completely understand how you can't come to the same decision. However, the key words in your comment "impossibly screwed up country" says a mouthful. When you ask yourself how did it get that way, then decide to turn around and reward the people who did it; well, I just can't. This doesn't mean I have given up reforming the party and I support Heidi 100% in her efforts to keep the problems in front of the electorate. I don't support the immediate goal, but I am sure behind her for the ultimate goal.
I have to honestly tell you that the selection of Palin is what pushed me over the line. And, as I said, a reluctant dimpled chad.

democraticjack said...

Hey AJ,
Didn't mean to overlook you. Thanks for the encouragement. Boy, do we ever need Bill Clinton. Damn term limits.
Just remember in VA to vote for Mark Warner.

democraticjack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NJB said...


The current crop of Democrats in congress have helped in a big way to screw up this country. They have had control of congress and what they have done with that control leaves me with absolutely no confidence that they have the will nor the desire to bring about the changes that are necessary. Have you seen the video of the congressional hearings on Fannie and Freddie? The repubs wanted reforms and the Dems. said everything is fine, no need! The combination of this dem congress and Bo unchecked scares the bejesus out of me. I shutter to think what they could do with all that power.

Also, McCain is no George Bush. I do believe that he is an honorable intelligent man who loves this country and will work for its betterment. Bush is the past. Voting for McCain is not rewarding Bush. Both the repubs and dems are to blame for the sorry state we are in. God help us all!

Anonymous said...

Wow, well you vote for who you vote for.
The thought of voting for the person responsible for dishonestly and immorally taking out Hillary Clinton, the one person who could have led this country out of this mess, makes me physically ill and I am not kidding at all about that. I will never forget and never condone what he and that campaign along with their msm accomplices and the jokers known as the dnc, pelosi, reid, kerry, and all the gang, did to Hillary Clinton, the democratic party, this country and to my children and their futures.
I have held my nose most of my life voting for the potus...I will be god damned if I do it again.

I have to admit, hearing you and AJ talk about voting for obama is honestly, really quite shocking and disheartening to me but I have no desire to change your minds. I have no doubt obama will win anyway and if you feel obama will be better for this country than mccain and have no qualms about how he gets there, then I hope you are happy with your decision. I won't be a part of that democratic victory, I cannot be a part of that and have any self respect left. obama/biden will not be getting to the white house on my vote...but of course they have never needed my vote. They have made that quite clear.
It's time like this that it would be nice not to be an atheist.

Average Jane said...

Uh, 'scuse me but where did I state I was voting for Obama?

democraticjack said...

We simply just see things in a different light based on our own unique experiences. As a Viet vet, I was so offended by McCain not supporting the the Webb GI Bill that I don't think I could forgive him, especially him. Your vote is fine with me. You are not your vote and you are not McPalin as I am not Obama. I am however, Hillary Clinton's secret obsession. Ok, I'm not. Wouldn't that make a great name for a perfume though?

democraticjack said...

AJ, I think your support of ME was mistaken for support of my voting choice. I would be very surprised if you voted for Bambi.

Average Jane said...

Hi Jack! Of course I won't forget Warner. I wonder if we can trade out Kaine Maybe we could steal Hillary and make her our Governor? That would be pleasant :)

democraticjack said...

AJ -

Kaine. ZZZzzzzzz. Yawn.
Oh, him.

Governor Clinton of Virginia. I love it.
How about Senator Heid Li Feldman from Washington, DC? We gotta work on that statehood thing next as well.

Average Jane said...

OK, fine with me as long as I can be the Commonwealth Attorney, I want to have the pleasure of throwing my Ex in jail without all those pain-in-the-butt court appearances and to be able to say, "book 'em Dan-o!"

Anonymous said...

Hi gang. DemocraticJack: The only way to "unseat the current weak-kneed leadership in the party" is for Obama to lose. Find a third party candidate for whom you can vote.

And all: this election has not been held yet. Before you give in to despair work for a result that puts us in a position to clean up what we don't like in both political parties.

Oh and Jack, one more thought -those downticket Dems will be more likely to keep a check on McCain than Obama - because they all will want to curry favor with Obama.

More reasons for refusing to cast a ballot for Obama: his dismissive attitude toward the gay community throughout his career, his wishy-washy commitment to reproductive rights.

I'll be back with more, until I persuade you to change your mind. Don't vote for McCain if you do not want to (I don't either), but find something else to do at the top of ticket. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Anonymous said...

upthread Ainnj says she's not wild about living in DC - hey that means she doesn't want to live near me! I'm offended, dam' it.

Anonymous said...

heidi, you can get a condo in Disney World, you will need to be closer to the Hall of Presidents as that is where the Supreme Court will be meeting and since you are going to be chief justice (I am not bothering to let the senate vote on it, actually I am doing away with the legislative branch all together) you need to get out of d.c. and get to where the action is. There will be a lot of unemployed senators and reps. in that d.c. area and I expect a massive increase in white collar crime there!

Anonymous said...

Good points, ainnj. I should never have doubted that you had a plan.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and the only reason I'm debating DemocraticJack's vote with him is because he said all comers have a month to change his mind.

I have already made it clear that given the two less-than-thrilling options before us, I can hardly harsh on what anybody decides to do. We are in a sad, sick situation.

But we CAN change it. There have been massive shifts in the political scene in this country - Bill Clinton did it; Ronald Reagan did; LBJ did it. You might have liked some of these more than others but there's no reason to think that now suddenly there can never be a major shift again.

democraticjack said...


You have to trust that I did not come to my decision easily. I just do not feel that our nation can afford one more moment of a Republican administration much less 4 more years.
I do support your ultimate goal and I think even your ads about Obama are beneficial towards that.
I respect very few people's opinion higher than I do yours and I listen.
Now. How about Senator Heidi Li Feldman from the District of Columbia? Sound good?

Anne said...

As usual, I agree with Heidi li.

Anonymous said...

Terry McAuliffe running for governor in VA? Is that your state Jack? I must say I love that guy but man, he is a wild man!

Ohhhhh, I am watching claire bear "for me is all I care" mccaskill, man she is clueless.

I think both the candidates gave a good show, I appreciate a respectful deate. It was certainly less painful than the mccain/obama debate and at least both these two guys seemed to have some actual oomph ....obama and mccain not so much.

democraticjack said...

McCauliffe is running for gov of VA? Oh, wow. I am with you; I love him and he is certainly Mr. Feelgood. That'll be a hoot to use a palinesque term.

Yeah, Biden and Palin both survived and came out with their dignity intact. She only got lost verbally once (something about nukeular weapons) so she staunched the bleeding. Joe hammered his anti-maverick points home effectively so I give him the nod overall.
I do think the McCain camp succeeded in their efforts to stifle Ifill. She did virtually no followups.

Anonymous said...

Ifill did a good job. I just liked how all 3 bent over backwards to be respectful, no "gotcha" moments and if the obama campaign and the msm had been half as respectful to Hillary Clinton and her supporters as biden and palin were to each other tonight we would be about to enter into a brave new world come 11/5. Now it's same old same old no matter how it shakes out.
If Ifill was "stifled" by comments made by the mccain campaign then she shouldn't have been in that seat to begin wtih. I give her a bit more credit than that.

Anonymous said...

Think of what fun Virginia will be with McAuliffe as a Governor! Who needs theme parks!

Anonymous said...

I really loved the way Palin avoided answering the questions. Joe did it some too, but man, Palin was a pro at it. I especially loved her non-agreement agreement on civl rights for same sex couples.

The economic problems extend beyond the last one (or two or three) congresses. The conservative view that private industry and finance will take care of things just isn't working. Business is about business, not the public well being. There has been continuous loosening of regualtions over the markets, banks, lending, and everything since Reagan.

It is likely that whoever wins in November will have 4 years to work with this disaster, and then be out on their ear. I don't envy either candidate for what they will have to deal with. I just don't think that a McCain presidency will begin moving us back in the right direction, and I hope that a BO one will at least start to turn the ship.

Your Camping Buddy.

democraticjack said...

I love Palin's "Some of my best friend's choose to be gay" clueless meme. That grates on my nerves every time I hear it.
Hey? Apparently the key to solving everything is to be a energy "maverick" or a hocky mom.
Don't that just grab ya? Joe?

Anonymous said...

"It is likely that whoever wins in November will have 4 years to work with this disaster, and then be out on their ear."

I certainly agree with you there! However I think it's more than just result. It's inevitable. That's the only positive thing about a likely obama win in november, it will only last 4 years. The awful downside to that is Sen. Clinton won't be able to run against an incumbent obama. Her chance for a shot at the white house is over. This country will remain in the hands of incompetents for at least the next 8-12 years. You can thank mr. obama for that.....oh yes you can.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, that should have been "more than just LIKELY" not "result".

Anonymous said...

Sorry, democraticjack, but you are betraying your name by supporting someone who is seems to me to be Democrat in name only. Yes, we are all free to choose who to support. The consequences of our choices this year are significant. But when you write about how you want to unseat the weak-kneed leadership of the party (which I believe you), but before you do so, you decide to support THEIR candidate, well from where I come from, that just doesn't make any sense.

I know Republicanism, a la Bush, has created a sad state of affairs for America, but supporting/voting for a fraud who is a Democrat "in name only" is just as sad.

John McCain, although not the smartest candidate (but neither is Obama) trumps Obama on one significant fact... he fought for the USA regardless of if the war was popular or not. For what has Obama fought? For his chance to be the first black American President. In other words, one fought for our country, while the other fights for himself.

democraticjack said...

LOL. I hardly think voting for a Republican would be "living up" to my name either, would it?
Personally, I feel it would be totally irresponsible to knowingly put Governor Palin anywhere near the Oval office. Obama may be many things, but she makes him look like a perfect candidate. IMHO.

Anonymous said...

"Knowingly put Governor Palin anywhere nere the Oval Office" is a bit of liberal hyperbole, in my opinion. One could say that about Obama, too, especially when one considers who his friends are.

I no longer see what is democratic about the Democratic party, and while I support the same thing that you do when it comes to fixing the Democratic party, I will not reward them with my vote, and then do something about it afterwards. They'll pay sooner, not later.

I also would like to point out that not all Democrats are liberals. I would consider myself to be a moderate Democrat. In many respects, the ultra-liberal Democrats are as wacky as the ultra-right Republicans. This is good enough reason for me to help fight an Obama presidency.

By the way, "virulently pro-life" (from your previous thread) just doesn't seem to be anywhere near as bad (actually not bad at all) as "virulently pro-infanticide" which to me, is despicable. But then again, that's Obama.

democraticjack said...

I am a liberal Democrat. Make no mistake about that.
Pro-infanticide is such an over the top statement. You know that is not true. No one wants to kill babies. Come on now.
Let's take a breath here.

Anonymous said...

I'm not voting for either major candidate. I have been disillusioned even more by the fact that both candidates supported the so-called 'bailout' that benefited the financial industry at the expense of taxpayers. It makes the two parties seem even more similar. The financial industry, in order to cover its butt, donates to both parties -- thereby making them both beholden to Wall Street. It is not a pleasing thing to see.

With regard to what are HUGE issues -- funding the Iraq war and the economy -- the parties have basically been the same! Our two-party system is crap.

Barack Obama will not be a help -- he will be a hindrance. He will raise taxes and increase spending at a time when the country is BROKE, and perhaps propound protectionist policies that will only serve to further limit productivity. On top of that, he has little to no experience with monetary policy and is such a fair-weather politician -- who can expect him to do the tough things that need to be done to get the economy back on track?

Because I believe both parties are going in the wrong direction, I will vote for neither.

democraticjack said...


I can appreciate your choice. I don't feel we can take one more minute of Republican policies however so I am compelled to, choke, vote for Obama. The possibility of a President Palin chills me.

Anonymous said...

Neither candidate will be able to put into place any of their promised policies. Both candidates will be forced to raise taxes...on all economic brackets. Neither candidate has the intellect, the resources, the stamina nor the strength it will take to steer this country thru this storm. Have no doubt we will get through it, but it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Whoever wins this november will not be re-elected in 2012. You think economic times seem rough now? Take a look into the crystal ball at what awaits us in the next 5-7 years, minimum....

Once this silly political season is over, the masks will fall and maybe the american people will see just how screwed we are and how much worse its going to get. No matter who is in the white house.

There was one person who might have instilled a bit of worldwide confidence, might have stood a chance to be leader at a time when a leader, a strong, courageous, brilliant leader, is what we need more than anything. Shall we reward the one who took that chance from all of us, from the whole world, from our children's children, with our vote this november? I think not.

Anonymous said...

I agree that whoever wins in November faces a tough road to re-election. He will most likely be blamed for a lot of what befalls the economy under his presidency.

One concern that I have is that, even while you would think he would be constrained financially as President (considering the economic circumstances), Obama would still manage to aggravate the situation. He is so inexperienced and at the same time SO ambitious. He reminds me of a lazy philosopher more than a practical handler of crises. If he is elected President I don't even want to know what ridiculous economic policies we will see get passed. Ugh.

democraticjack said...

Given the first part of your comment, it hardly sounds like a reward.

Further rewarding the party which stewarded this disaster is not a viable choice to me.

Even Pelosi, Obama, et al saw to it that minimum wages were raised and that Alberto Gonzales was removed. That would never have happened under a John McCain lead Congress and certainly would not be put forth under his presidency.

Anonymous said...

I agree that there are positive things the Democrats have and will do, but it doesn't rise to what they should do. It is arguably helpful to raise the minimum wage -- but then they go and pass that bailout that is basically a tax on the ordinary worker. :(

What can be done to reform the party from within? I'm not too encouraged that that is possible/will take place.

Anonymous said...

Nothing can be done to reform either party from within. That is why I am no longer a party member.
Trust me, it's no longer relevant.
In the weeks, months and years following the election, these times we are in right this moment will seem like the good old days.

Heh, guess the Clinton train really has left the station forever. Applause and praise for nancy pelosi, that lovely piece of work who did everything in her power to bring down the Clintons.
I cannot wait to hear about the wonderful things Howard Dean has done for us too! Hope he gets a post on the Supreme Court or somthing neato like that! He is just a swell guy.

Rationalization is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Anyone know whatever happened to this guy?:

"In regards to Party loyalty. My mind drifts way back to May 31, 2008. That orgy of self-indulgence where Hillary's case was dismissed and tossed like last week's garbage.

Not to mention that, we, the voting public were playing second fiddle to some arbitrary rules designed to "punish" other Party officials. Who ended up being punished? The Party showed their disdain for the electorate, exposing their own greed for power and authority. We're expected to cozy up to that?

I can even let my mind wander back even further as the echoes of Nancy Pelosi's "impeachment is off the table" clearly demonstrated the DNC's self-interests and not those of country and, we the people, who are seemingly only useful when they need us to gain or retain power. Where have they been when we need them? I only see their backs and my appeals being ignored.

Try not to notice that the price of gas has dramatically increased since our Party took back Congress. This current beta version of the Democratic Party stands for what? Power? Money? We worked hard to put them in office in 2006. Is Blackwater still making money? Does Dubai still run our ports? Has gas almost tripled since they (our party) gained control of Congress? Have impeachment proceedings begun? Did Haliburton move their HQ off shore?
What does the party stand for? They funded every cent Bush asked for the war, didn't they? FISA got passed. So where does this one sided allegiance come from? Who owes who an explanation? The Constitution frees me to vote or not vote for whomever I choose. Now the party I supported for over 40 years is subverting that very basic right. Shame on them."

democraticjack said...

That guy was pretty smart and I agree with everything he wrote. It doesn't let the Republican party off the hook however for the policies which lead to those disasters and who want to keep steering the ship of state in the same direction.
Did the second to last sentence not register?
I am not about divorcing the Democratic party; we need some serious marriage counseling and it won't be easy but I am not going to throw the baby out with the bath water.
Yeah, I was angry, but anger is useless unless something construtive comes out of it and destroying the country, IMHO, over party politics doesn't seem very constructive to me at this point in time of our history.

Anonymous said...

Yes, due to the bad economy, it is now very likely that Obama will win, and much less likely Clinton will get another shot. This has taken a little bit of getting used to.

I don't believe all of the mess we are in is the Republicans' fault. The Democrats have controlled Congress the last two years and failed to stand up to the executive when it insisted on broadening its powers. The Democrats did not limit Iraq spending.

The Democrats have a vested interest in growing government because a lot of their constituents/voters live off of government. They want to grow government even as there is no (real) money.

The one good thing, if any, that would come out of a McCain administration would be a political deadlock in Washington, which considering how the politicians have been acting, is probably better than either party actually DOING anything. ..

Anonymous said...

Neither party does anything but demean itself; congress does nothing but rubber stamp the imbecile president. Neither candidate will be able to do anything either, regardless of whether they would like to or not.
But at least we can all be sure of one thing...the progressive liberal left democrats are made up of the same crap that is found inside the rightwing nut job republicans. Bile, self indulgence, racism, misogyny and profound hate for all those that aren't them.
The middle can no longer hold, it's only a matter of time until both sides fall through.

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way Jack, you may want to look into your claim about Gonzalez and how obama voted in the Senate on 6/17/07 when the democrats fell seven votes short of the 60 needed to invoke cloture and begin the debate on a resolution condemning Gonzales. Guess who took a pass on voting that day??????

Rep. and Dem passed the minimum wage increase together. 94 Senators voted in favor of that increase. 47 Dems, 45 Rep. 2 Indp.
only 3 rep voted against, 1 rep didnt vote. 2 dems didn't vote. Way to go Pelosi and Obama et al, don't know where we would be without you dynamos looking out for us.

Anonymous said...

I agree. One of the worst things about this administration has been the reckless expansion of executive power, and the Democrats did rubber stamp that.

I also don't particularly like the left-wing Democrats. I don't think it's particularly noble to take money from people (what is taxation but a form of coercion?) to fund a lot of government programs that do nothing to create wealth or efficiency.

The Democrats are full of their own self-righteous sense of nobility, even as they skewer their own (women? gays? old people?). Yuck.

Anonymous said...

This is worth a reread for some:

Anonymous said...

This is worth a reread for some:

democraticjack said...

Let me phrase it way, a Democratic Congress made it happen, despite Pelosi and Obama. Okay? Those things would have never happened if 2006 hadn't given us the majority.
David Mamet is NOT my cup of latte and that article could be interpreted either way.
He wastes a lot of time just to say life goes on.

Anonymous said...

"Even Pelosi, Obama, et al saw to it that minimum wages were raised and that Alberto Gonzales was removed."

Rephrased makes your statement false. Pelosi and Obama did NOT see to it that minimum wages were raised. Obama did NOT see to it that Alberto Gonzales was removed.
But don't worry, you will still have the same joker filled congress, deadend dems and rancid republicans plus someone new from chicago...anyone want to guess who?
Why with the democrats controlling the congress AND the WH life will be good again, no longer evil.
Funny, after that article Mamet was no longer anyone's cup of tea on the left, oh that's right, they just remembered, he never was.

Anonymous said...

But fortunately our schools on the job. My 9 year old came home today to let me know that if McCain were president he would die soon because he is very old, he would raise all our taxes, he is good friends with george bush and Palin wants to kill all the pumas in Alaska. Hmmm. Wonder who her teacher is voting for?

Reminds me of when my then 12 year old came home during the primary season and asked me if I was a racist since I wanted Hillary Clinton to win.

democraticjack said...

Come on now, I corrected the phrasing. Is this about an election or semantics? You know exactly what I meant.
Mamet has never been my cup of tea. I think he is unreadable. Give me some credit, ainnj.
Are your kids getting this from their teacher or other students? If it is the teacher, the school administration needs to hear about it and put an end to it.

Anonymous said...

Hi demjack!

I've decided to make my "Nobama" argument as simple and straightforward as possible.
So here it is:

There is a very bad man running for President.
Please don't vote for him.
If you do you will regret it for the rest of your life.

democraticjack said...

Thank you catarina. Don't worry, I am not voting for the bad man.
There are no bad men running.

Anonymous said...

demjack-have you been to the Confluence lately? Some good insights.
Country before sleazy and corrupt party!
ps I'm voting for McCain. We'll be rid of him in four years and then HRC will take it from there. Of this I'm certain.

democraticjack said...

Ah, for me the Republican party is sleazy and corrupt and the guilty party in the sad state in which this country finds itself.
Voting for McCain just so HRC can run in four years is not putting country first, IMHO.