Trend Watch

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Say ahhh....

Pharmaceutical spokesperson, Max Baucus of Montana, prescribed another bitter pill for his fellow Americans to swallow. Senator Baucus, along with his band of Fox Democrats and the ever anti-populist Republicans pronounced a public option dead twice today.
Although the public pulse beats at a steady 65% for the public option, the lack of health insurance company support enabled the senators to overlook that bit of diagnostic data and justify euthanasia of the public option patient.
I will go out on a limb with my own prognosis for the political futures of these business servants, and that is a weak pulse and their own constituents will perform their own mercy killings come election time.
How long will we let a heartless ideology and spineless jellyfish deny us the same rights and priviliges as the rest of the civilized world in the name of "free enterprise"? How much is enough?


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